1/5 LIVE Presents _cite/site_ by == Yasmine Whaley-Kalaora == as part of it's inter-biennial online and mediated programming founded in 2021 Assembly - Repair and Care.
Works will be presented in their entirety on
LIVE on COOP Radio CFRO 100.5FM
Wed 28th June 21h00 PDST (GMT-7) Vancouver
and in excerpts on the LIVE Platform here.
Hey, #Target, can you show me how a brand can empower hate and encourage more violence by demonstrating threats work?
Wealth inequality is ushering in a new feudalism, an asset economy in which the tenant-middle class is either those who are employeed to denied access to land to the unemployed or to labour on the land, both for the pleasure and richment of the owner class who neither labour nor have any moral claim to land, beyond inheritance.
Critical to this return is the subscription economy (a simulacra of ownership) and the economic policy which redlines of land ownership to the working class.
360 Degrees of Proximities
feminists take back video!
This evening, 8 May performative event 6 to 8:
Feminist Servers, Fediverse Feminist Federation, Ca La Dona context
live stream on https://tube.systerserver.net/
by Systerserver / Winnie Soon
[ English with a Spanish translation ]
Stream updates on mastodon:
@wetlandproject Cape White Eye listens to ṮEḴTEḴSEN march. I hope to reverse this – can we get Saturn to listen to Cape White Eyes?
@AmongYolks @wetlandproject my South African / Saturna breakfast. #theCityscape #capetown #southafrica #obs
Beautiful live stream @ Earth Day - tune in! Plus a wonderful project in general! #love #wetlandproject
Thanks to Will and Opal 🐶 for helping at the @wetlandproject 🌱
24 hour soundscape broadcast from the Tekteksek marsh in unceded Wsanec territory on Saturna Island, British Columbia
https://www.wetlandproject.com/140dev/display/stream.php #WetlandProject
#Vancouver #CoopRadio
@furiousgreencloud @wetlandproject
This platform is more confusing than Twitter. Which is ok
Not run by a monster is pretty simple
@furiousgreencloud @wetlandproject @AccordionBruce
If you redundantly include the hashtag, #WetlandProject then we can start seeing these notices together
You have to purposefully make things visible here on mastodon with the hashtags
Congratulation and thanks to my dearest collaborator Mark Timmings, for his tireless communication of the @wetlandproject to the world,.We are so proud to present the project in Paris, with the gracious assistance of his life partner Jean Jean-François we celebrate Mark's birthday week on banks of the Seine.
My perspective was radically shifted by the work of photographers,
Lynne Cohen and Marina Gadonneix.
Take a deep slow dive as they display the folly of humanity and essential humanity of that folly wherever you can see their photos of interior-pycological-institutional spaces.
Especially in _Laboratoires / Observatoires_ till 28 Aug 2023 at Pompidou Paris.
@wetlandproject @furiousgreencloud
Update: 2023-04-15 5AM ish
Successful overnight #WetlandProject technical preview for our April 22nd #CoopRadio (and global) broadcast!
My computer made it through the night carrying the stream 🌱
Woke up by the final stilling of the last two Pacific tree frogs, with silence after many hours of tens of thousands of their friends 🐸
And a rising chorus of birds that gets really loud at about 5:30 🐦
Join me in previewing until #EarthDay
Brady is a #ComputationalArtist, who is concerned with our technological entanglement, and creates media configurations that express a middle way between technological fetishism and dystopian fantasies.