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I finished something, the track "Capalema" will be included in the live to tape video, production by @ladragu as part of the project "The Tick-Tock of Common Time". I hoped to instill some of the energery and light of my home town Cape Town into this.

I'm struggling to finish (or start) anything these days, thanks for the gentle kindness of @ladragu for getting me there.

Excerpt Attached, Full Track Linked:


=== Solarpunk, Art, and Social Ecological Aesthetics / Course / Syllabus ===

Solarpunk is an emerging visionary utopian aesthetic that critically engages the reality of capitalist catastrophe while maintaining a radical optimism about humanity’s potential for a communal, ecological future. Solarpunk conjures visions of beauty and harmony in both formal and social senses—scenes of vibrant neighborhood life, biophilic architecture...

P.L.U.R.O.M.A. SS23 is a group == fashion show and runway performance starts at 830PM ==
featuring works by:

. Hannah Eriksson & Yasmine Whaley-Kalaora
. Mark Delong
. Shizen Jambor
. Jaewoo Kang
. Natasha Katedralis
. Chandra Melting Tallow


Two rooms of music and dancing featuring:

. Yu Su
. Big Zen
. B WEST (live)
. HINI (live)
. Mela Melania

Music following that

$15 presale, $20 door

by Liquidation World

Galiano Community Fridge, up and running with food! Amazing work JenK and the amazing mutual aid folks of Galliano

In my mind, #chords are organized like the left hand of the #accordion

For #uke chords I’m thinking about making a printout of common uke chords in this “stradella bass” arrangement for myself 😄

I can't shake a profound sadness, I have no reason for.

This is a CALLOUT to you - read on

Think of a space where you feel/felt empowered, safe, and capable. This place could currently exist, exist in a memory, or exist in the future (a dream).
Think of this place and draw it. Take your time, or draw very fast (jot it down). Draw more than one if you'd like.
Feel free to record a song or audio clip instead or as well - stories, songs and sounds can be safe spaces too.
Post your drawings and/or audio with
Let's build a city of our own~

Waking up at home. On a rainy morning, all of us awake. There’s loudness and some quietness in different peoples mood ~ some people are leaving this morning and some are staying in.

Thank You Galliano Island and JenK for a NYE Fun-Raising for the Community Fridge.

REMEMBER: “Elon Musk admitted to his biographer that the reason the Hyperloop was announced—even tho he had no intention of pursuing it—was to try to disrupt the California high-speed rail project to get in the way of that actually succeeding.” — @parismarx in #Gizmodo

#Hyperloop #ElonMusk #California #Rail #cars #cities #urbanism #transit #transportation

TIL The ternary equivalent of an electronic flip-flop, is a flip-flap-flop. Love it

Alley find, fixed and working 100%, for the price of a new needle (30$). Good to have my records back in my life. I love to find old tech that is better than new tech.

(Record: Chambers, Michael Red and Gabriel Soloman, Needles:

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The LIVE Performance Art International Network
—a platform supporting the Discussion, Curation and Dissemination of LIVE Arts in all it's manifold forms.