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Tip1 - Tips for Surviving the Art World is a set of seven short form videos that contribute to the democratization of knowledge in the lives of working artists, created by Lan “Florence” Yee.

SIX "We will challenge the capitalist norms that commodify artistic expression and threaten our environment, advocating for an alternative perspective that supports communal efforts, empathy and well-being"

SEVEN "We will embrace a holistic view that embraces the inherent interconnectedness of all beings, understanding that our actions, thoughts and creations reverberate across an intricate web, shaping the delicate balance of it all"

The Canadian Government has made a new tourism ad and it’s surprisingly honest and informative!


The freedom of individuals in a community to appropriate resources merely by virtue of the fact that they are using them. !!!!

2 thinggs ,

1. A sound/dance live presentation I'm happy to invite you to, this sat & sun.

2. A playfully live PA set for your summer late night vibe,

cityscape / Visit to where you are
a response/wish from a neighbour.

cityscape / Visit to where you are
Hands of water - at once scary and at once pure comfort, and the trillium forest from her childhood. Placed in Renfrew Ravine.

Thank You! Yasmine for presenting your audio work LIVE on Coop Radio CFRO.

Visit for the complete episodes' audio and descriptive transcriptions of the _cite/site_ Project.

_breath_ (excerpt) from _cite/site_
== Yasmine Whaley-Kalaora ==

This episode came out of a time when the significance of a single breath in sustaining/taking life had become uncomfortably literal. It’s an attempt at sonic comfort and to find some comedic relief in something seemingly abundant and yet so limited.


_cite/site_ Project Presentation:

LIVE on COOP Radio CFRO 100.5FM
Wed 28th June 21h00 PDST (GMT-7) Vancouver

_holeness_ (excerpt) from _cite/site_
== Yasmine Whaley-Kalaora ==

The essence of hole-ness is an ongoing interest which turns to the tension that arises when we are confronted with a hole, gap or void while searing for something solid &/or “complete.” This episode is a sonic meander around some holes and what people chose to do with them.

_cite/site_ Project Presentation:

LIVE on COOP Radio CFRO 100.5FM
Wed 28th June 21h00 PDST (GMT-7) Vancouver

1/5 LIVE Presents _cite/site_ by == Yasmine Whaley-Kalaora == as part of it's inter-biennial online and mediated programming founded in 2021 Assembly - Repair and Care.

Works will be presented in their entirety on
LIVE on COOP Radio CFRO 100.5FM
Wed 28th June 21h00 PDST (GMT-7) Vancouver

and in excerpts on the LIVE Platform here.

Hey, #Target, can you show me how a brand can empower hate and encourage more violence by demonstrating threats work?

#ELI5 Why is water see through?

I'd never thought about it like this. Wow.

f(x,y) = ((((3 | y) ^ (y + y)) * (-(~y))) % (-(~(y & x)))) % 5

Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2)

"Onebit" colouring scheme.

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LIVE Platform

The LIVE Performance Art International Network
—a platform supporting the Discussion, Curation and Dissemination of LIVE Arts in all it's manifold forms.