The freedom of individuals in a community to appropriate resources merely by virtue of the fact that they are using them.
This cartoon is funny... 😄
so why am I crying? 😢
#Extinction #ClimateCrisis
@gwynnion hugzzzzx
2 thinggs ,
1. A sound/dance live presentation I'm happy to invite you to, this sat & sun.
2. A playfully live PA set for your summer late night vibe,
I need more female and LGBTQ+ artists in my feed. What are your favorites?
#femaleartist #femalephotographer #lgbtqartist #lgbtqphotographer
Podcast/Radio Show Recording available here ---
Thank You! Yasmine for presenting your audio work LIVE on Coop Radio CFRO.
Visit for the complete episodes' audio and descriptive transcriptions of the _cite/site_ Project.
@oblique_strategies @ywk ????
_breath_ (excerpt) from _cite/site_
== Yasmine Whaley-Kalaora ==
This episode came out of a time when the significance of a single breath in sustaining/taking life had become uncomfortably literal. It’s an attempt at sonic comfort and to find some comedic relief in something seemingly abundant and yet so limited.
_cite/site_ Project Presentation:
LIVE on COOP Radio CFRO 100.5FM
Wed 28th June 21h00 PDST (GMT-7) Vancouver
_holeness_ (excerpt) from _cite/site_
== Yasmine Whaley-Kalaora ==
The essence of hole-ness is an ongoing interest which turns to the tension that arises when we are confronted with a hole, gap or void while searing for something solid &/or “complete.” This episode is a sonic meander around some holes and what people chose to do with them. #theAuditorium
_cite/site_ Project Presentation:
LIVE on COOP Radio CFRO 100.5FM
Wed 28th June 21h00 PDST (GMT-7) Vancouver
@LiveBiennale @ywk excited to present this LIVE next week. Such an evocative image, and just a thoroughly conceived project.
#theAuditorium #theStage
1/5 LIVE Presents _cite/site_ by == Yasmine Whaley-Kalaora == as part of it's inter-biennial online and mediated programming founded in 2021 Assembly - Repair and Care.
Works will be presented in their entirety on
LIVE on COOP Radio CFRO 100.5FM
Wed 28th June 21h00 PDST (GMT-7) Vancouver
and in excerpts on the LIVE Platform here.
Hey, #Target, can you show me how a brand can empower hate and encourage more violence by demonstrating threats work?
Brady is a #ComputationalArtist, who is concerned with our technological entanglement, and creates media configurations that express a middle way between technological fetishism and dystopian fantasies.