A positive rather than negative vision for the "Small Web" or even beyond (the "Web of Social Trust" maybe?)
I want to see free tools for creating low-cost decentralised digital communities which:
* are robust against cyber-attacks
* are robust against insincere influencers and well-funded corporate buyouts
* are robust against government crackdowns and social panics
* are robust against their own members abusing each other or being swept into hatreds and panics
* help people be smart and kind
Minibeats in uxn
tracker source code: https://git.sr.ht/~rabbits/marabu/tree/master/item/src/main.tal
= INTERVIEW: Jacob Audrey Taves (aka Holzkoph) =
To celebrate Jacob Audrey Taves‘ upcoming release on Panospria, and because we frankly OWE Jake some love, this long time stalwart of the Vancouver breakcore, industrial & noisic-dance scene performing as HOLZKOPF, has finally come in to the studio for a live interview.
#theAuditorium #2000s #2010s #2020s #BreakCore
#Industrial #Interview #Noise #Vancouver #plunderphonics
= Aural Alterities =
8 sound artists, a range of possibilities for sound art, a repository
of references (conceptual and concrete)
TL;DR: Canadian Newcomers Survey with Prize Rewards.
My audile friend Jenni Schine and the Action Canada Fellowship is conducting a research project to explore how newcomers learn about Indigenous Peoples’ histories, cultures, and lived experiences when coming to Canada.
They've created a 10min survey for newcomers with the goal of enhancing understanding of Canada’s truth & history.
Participants will be entered into a prize draw gift cards worth $100
"It is helpful to think of the sublime as having two stages. First, a realization that we are alienated from nature and it is completely other from us; secondly, a boundless enveloping experience which explodes the self into a vast, interrelated matrix with nature."
Thanks @LiveBiennale for a wonderful assembly on the virtual #theStage and #theArchive
"Closely related to Maximalism is a phenomenon I call Virtualism: the growing complexity of information technology over the decades has required that its "dirty details" be hidden in "black boxes". Thus, both the users and the developers of the technology have been able to turn a blind eye to its material basis."
by @viznut
Get Ready for Day 3! Make sure to register at https://livebiennale.ca/2021/ to tune in live on Ohyay and receive an invitation to the LIVE Platform where you can discuss the day's topics and other art related things!
For those of you who wish to just watch, the stream will be hosted on the LIVE Biennale Facebook page!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Day 2 is on its way! Make sure to register at https://livebiennale.ca/2021/ to tune in live on Ohyay and receive an invitation to the LIVE Platform where you can discuss the day's topics and other art related things!
For those of you who wish to just watch, the stream will be hosted on the LIVE Biennale Facebook page!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Yesterday Paul Couillard send me one of my favourite kinds of emails—one line and a picture:
"An image taken by Chumpon Apisuk of 'Silence #8: Plumb Lines, with thanks to Rebecca Belmore' from the 2009 edition of LIVE!"
Thank you for this fabulous addition to the archive!
To hear Paul speak on this piece: https://vimeo.com/640209833
To see some of Apisuk's 2009 performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jokgdjzQWtc&list=PL6oJdf_wMSP6btK824YX3otR2ynx8CzhD&index=7&t=2s&ab_channel=livebiennalevideo
SAW - https://saw-centre.com/
VIVA! art action - http://vivamontreal.org/
7A*11D - https://7a-11d.ca/
LIVE Biennale of Performance Art - https://livebiennale.ca/2021/
FADO Performance Art Centre - http://www.performanceart.ca/index.php
Centre d'artistes AXENÉO7 - https://axeneo7.qc.ca/en
Latitude 53 - https://www.latitude53.org/
OFFTA - https://offta.com/
Usine C - https://usine-c.com/
Art Nomade - http://artnomadeperformance.ca/en/
Performance Art Presenters:
ARCA - http://www.arca.art/en/
M:ST Mountain Standard Time Performative Art - https://www.mountainstandardtime.org/
Neutral Ground - https://www.neutralground.sk.ca/
Urban Shaman - https://urbanshaman.org/
Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario (GNO) - https://gn-o.org/
Open Space Arts Society - https://openspacearts.ca/
Le Lieu, a center for contemporary art
RIAP - https://inter-lelieu.org/riap/a-propos/
Queer City Cinema/Performatorium - https://www.queercitycinema.ca/performance2015/
L'Écart - https://lecart.org/fr/
View the LIVE 'Annotating the Archives' Project videos https://livebiennale.ca/2021/annotating-the-archives/ Tag the comments with #theArchive
Brady is a #ComputationalArtist, who is concerned with our technological entanglement, and creates media configurations that express a middle way between technological fetishism and dystopian fantasies.