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Today is the final day of my Solstice Sale on Itch! You can buy any zine for $0.99, or every single one for $22!

TIL The ternary equivalent of an electronic flip-flop, is a flip-flap-flop. Love it

Alley find, fixed and working 100%, for the price of a new needle (30$). Good to have my records back in my life. I love to find old tech that is better than new tech.

(Record: Chambers, Michael Red and Gabriel Soloman, Needles:

Episode One - Jelili Atiku! A new podcast interviewing performance artists! New episodes every Wednesdays!

=== ===

Processing 4.0.1 Microsoft Kinect v1 Library Repair for MacOS 12.4

1. Install freenect & libusb

brew install freenect

2. Symlink from Processing to brew versions
in ~/Documents/Processing/libraries/openkinect_processing/library/v1/mac

2.1 Backup
gzip libfreenect.dylib & libusb-1.0.0.dylib

2.2. ln -s

libfreenect.dylib -> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/libfreenect/0.6.4/lib/libfreenect.dylib

libusb-1.0.0.dylib -> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/libusb/1.0.26/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib

From 2019, how did I miss this Marxist analysis of gender, in the spirit of the cyborg manifesto. Worth reflection and perhaps fact checking?

Admins of the fediverse are already overloaded. They're about to be a lot more so.

I just bumped my monthly donation to @CobaltVelvet from $10 to $40 a month. Heck, Elon wants to start charging $20/month for blue ticks and my experience here is worth at least twice that.

If you like your instance, support your admin. They need it. And talk about it: people are known to be more likely to give money voluntarily if they find out their peers are.

And fellow octodon users, let's see if we can get @CobaltVelvet some real actual support. If you aren't donating, please donate!

The goal of consumer tech development used to be pretty simple: design and build something of value to people, giving them a reason to buy it. A new refrigerator is shiny, cuts down on my energy bills, makes cool-looking ice cubes. So I buy it. Done. A Roomba promises to vacuum the cat hair from under my sofa while I take a nap. Sold!

But this vision of tech is increasingly outdated. It’s not enough for a refrigerator to keep food cold; today’s version offers cameras and sensors that can monitor how and what I’m eating, while the Roomba can now send a map of my house to Amazon.

The issue here goes far beyond the obvious privacy risks. It’s a sea change in the entire model for innovation and the incentives that drive it. Why settle for a single profit-taking transaction for the company when you can instead design a product that will extract a monetizable data stream from every buyer, returning revenue to the company for years? Once you’ve captured that data stream, you’ll protect it, even to the disadvantage of your customer. After all, if you buy up enough of the market, you can well afford to endure your customers’ anger and frustration. Just ask Mark Zuckerberg.

= Opening October 21st =
= 6PM - 9PM=
gallery gachet. / 9 W Hastings St

=== In Contempt ===
=== kohpâtêyimêw ===

Runs, October 22nd to November 25th

== Aiyana Wood ==

Aiyana Joe Wood’s exhibition visualizes the nuances of her identity as an Indigenous trans femme woman and sheds light on her childhood spent in institutions that were established to subvert her autonomy and humanity.

Trigger Warning: see link above

Join us for the public launch of the artists’ book

== Wetland Project: Sound, Ecology and Post-Geographical Art ===

Saturday, October 29, 2022, 1 to 3 pm, Griffin Art Projects, 1174 Welch Street, North Vancouver, BC

Brady Marks and Mark Timmings continue their creative investigation of the ṮEḴTEḴSEN marsh soundscape with a new artists’ book.


Join the Black Arts Centre at the Gallery for an afternoon of evocative performance and film.

The program features works by exhibiting artist Ogheneofegor Obuwoma alongside a performance by Chipo Chipaziwa. Obuwoma's and Chipaziwa's works highlight themes of Black identity, spirituality, and female agency. The screening will be followed by a conversation between the Black Arts Centre curator Olumoroti (Moroti) Soji-George and the two artists.



[The Tech Gorillias] have long funneled money to right-wing groups like the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF)

True North founder Lisa Graves characterized the IWF’s efforts as an attempt to launder conservative ideology. [Snip] “in essence providing a woman’s face for the right wing’s critique or attack on progressives and its advance of this extreme and regressive, repressive agenda.”

f(x,y) = ((-((11 & x) - (~y))) / (((x & y) - (x + x)) + (-(-y)))) % 6

Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2)

"Onebit" colouring scheme.

When we ask why there aren't more women in computing. Perhaps this article about chess from 2021, might shed some clues. In short, many factors. But the grand masters tend to start from an early age. Are encouraged. It's much the same in our field.

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LIVE Platform

The LIVE Performance Art International Network
—a platform supporting the Discussion, Curation and Dissemination of LIVE Arts in all it's manifold forms.