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REMEMBER: “Elon Musk admitted to his biographer that the reason the Hyperloop was announced—even tho he had no intention of pursuing it—was to try to disrupt the California high-speed rail project to get in the way of that actually succeeding.” — @parismarx in #Gizmodo

#Hyperloop #ElonMusk #California #Rail #cars #cities #urbanism #transit #transportation

Today is the final day of my Solstice Sale on Itch! You can buy any zine for $0.99, or every single one for $22!

TIL The ternary equivalent of an electronic flip-flop, is a flip-flap-flop. Love it

Alley find, fixed and working 100%, for the price of a new needle (30$). Good to have my records back in my life. I love to find old tech that is better than new tech.

(Record: Chambers, Michael Red and Gabriel Soloman, Needles:

Episode One - Jelili Atiku! A new podcast interviewing performance artists! New episodes every Wednesdays!

=== ===

Processing 4.0.1 Microsoft Kinect v1 Library Repair for MacOS 12.4

1. Install freenect & libusb

brew install freenect

2. Symlink from Processing to brew versions
in ~/Documents/Processing/libraries/openkinect_processing/library/v1/mac

2.1 Backup
gzip libfreenect.dylib & libusb-1.0.0.dylib

2.2. ln -s

libfreenect.dylib -> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/libfreenect/0.6.4/lib/libfreenect.dylib

libusb-1.0.0.dylib -> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/libusb/1.0.26/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib

From 2019, how did I miss this Marxist analysis of gender, in the spirit of the cyborg manifesto. Worth reflection and perhaps fact checking?

Admins of the fediverse are already overloaded. They're about to be a lot more so.

I just bumped my monthly donation to @CobaltVelvet from $10 to $40 a month. Heck, Elon wants to start charging $20/month for blue ticks and my experience here is worth at least twice that.

If you like your instance, support your admin. They need it. And talk about it: people are known to be more likely to give money voluntarily if they find out their peers are.

And fellow octodon users, let's see if we can get @CobaltVelvet some real actual support. If you aren't donating, please donate!

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LIVE Platform

The LIVE Performance Art International Network
—a platform supporting the Discussion, Curation and Dissemination of LIVE Arts in all it's manifold forms.