I freakin' hate haggling.

I'm already selling a thing at half price, a good quality, new, not once used thing... and it is insaaaane how persistent ppl are.

*Item is listed at 50$*

Guy: "Ill give you 30 for it!"
Me: "It's new.... 50 is fair, I paid a lot more for it.. c'mon, help me recoup a little." 🥺
Guy: "I can buy a whole set for that same price!" :puppycat:
Me: "It's not a cheap part... *sigh*... 40 is fine, no lower though." 🙄
Guy: "30!!!!" :moar:
Me: 😤


@rek a passive aggressive (firm) behind a price is my 'white lady shit' tip of the day, or is that a socialize male tip - dunna, personal politics is hard.

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