
- uxnasm -- check!
- uxnemu --- check!
- orca.rom -- check!
- demo.orca -- check!
- operators, A,B,C,D..E S.. ok, time for some MIDI
- shim --- check, what...

3am, why is the sky so bright? this is meant to be nighttime!

===> zzzz

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@furiousgreencloud looks like that down here as well. You stayed up until 3am!

Orca sends raw bytes out, if you want to convert these bytes to midi, you need some sort of gizmo, I made one, you could make another one.

With this, you can do:

uxnemu orca.rom | shim

And it will send midi notes to the midi device 0

@neauoire yes thanks, all very clear in the the README thanks. i could totally have used any of the other versions but, i wanted to run the .rom, so get used the way. Apparently i'm not that pragmatic. shim is built. will get sounds tonight! i like staying up late (so much more focus), and it was my 2nd late night project, not a dis. much warm to you two in the snow. @rek. let me know if we need to send the icebreaker ;)

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