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@neauoire @rek ok ill come there, will you have data there, can i ping you with this?

@neauoire @rek Only getting in sat.(20th) morning myself. Where do you think you will moor? Definitely want to hangout on the boat for a bit. If you can moor at Matthew’s Point that would be great, but i don’t know how secure it is. The ferry comes by there, and it’s a narrow deep channel. Mix of sand and rock bottom, (48.862125, -123.321042). Last year there was a small sailing boat stopped there for most of the afternoon, but likely your would not want to both leave PINO, so exposed?

=== FACADES ===

Shake your booty! All Ages Dance Party 6 - 11 pm tonight with Society Visual Music, breathing room artist-in-residence Mia Glanz and DJs
* Elio Agvaz
* Nancy Dru and
* Shades of Day!

12 August
7646 Prince Albert Street
Moberly Fieldhouse

so to imagine the whole problem with "cleaning up" the environment

lets say the planet is a swimming pool, and there's someone pissing and shitting in it

sure, cleaning the pool is a good idea

but shouldn't we kick out the guy who's pissing and shitting in the pool before that?

“That is to say, cyborgs [snip] raise all the questions of histories, politics,and ethics that dogs require.” (P.21) thus Haraway positions _The Companion Animal Manifesto_ as a super set of the Cyborg Manifesto.

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“To do biology, with any kind of fidelity, the practitioner _must_ tell a story, _must_ get the facts, _must_ have the heart to stay hungry for the truth and to abandon a favourite story , a favourite fact, shown to be somehow off the mark.”

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"The _Companion Species Manifesto_ is, thus, about the implosion of nature and culture in the relentlessly historically specific, joint lives of dogs and people who are bonded in significant otherness." — P.16, Donna Haraway (1993)

Doreen Valiente

Doreen Valiente was one of the most important figures in Wicca. She wrote down much of its ritual and worship; and she played an integral part in lifting the legal ban on witchcraft on _29 July 1951_, which had been in place for over two centuries at that point in the UK.

author -> content creator
musician -> content creator
filmmaker -> content creator
podcaster -> content creator
game developer -> content creator
artist -> content creator
letter to editor -> content creator
citizen -> consumer/producer

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